Building Healthy Homes: ONNNNN The Build Show Podcast
You know when you really admire a celebrity figure and you’re kind of nervous to meet them in real life because…what if they’re just not as cool or kind as you thought they were?
That’s how I felt before getting to talk to Matt Risinger of The Build Show, except he did NOT disappoint.
He was as easy to talk to as an old friend and what an incredible opportunity to speak to his audience and tell our story, and the origin story of Conscious Healthy Home.
Go listen to the full episode on The Build Show Network, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify.
See Episode 129: Building Healthy Homes: Navigating Mold, Risks, and Solutions
Did you catch the part of the Podcast where I said you need to get to know your home?
Good news. I made a guide and the Homies Membership option to help you do just that!
Module 1 - get to know your home (identifying higher-risk areas, collecting data, organizing emergency contacts, understanding the limits of your builder’s warranty and home/renter’s insurance)
Module 2 - Weekly maintenance (all the stuff you need to do on a weekly basis to maintain the health of your home)
Module 3 - System’s maintenance (HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Building Assemblies, Appliances)
Module 4 - Seasonal maintenance (❄️, 🌷, ☀️, 🍂—I cover it all in “zombie prepper” detail)