Our Services. Your Investment. 

Please note that due to the nature of our services, all fees are non-refundable. Fees are subject to change. Note, legal advice is not provided.

1:1 Consulting

The Conscious Strategy Session™

This engagement is an session-based investment.

This strategy session is for you if you are exploring your options and want more than just risk identification; you want direction for risk-mitigation.

The Conscious Professionals™ Collab

You’re a sustainability minded professional with a project or a client who has healthy home goals and you want me on your team.

1:1 Consulting

The Consciously Custom™ Package

This package is a flat, project-based investment.

Select this package if you desire a home that supports your health, wellbeing, and that reflects your financial investment. With this comprehensive package, I work to move you from just a dream, to connecting you with your dream home.

The Conscious Collective™ Membership

This membership opportunity is for you if you are a discerning homeowner looking to increase your awareness and ability to issue spot throughout your project in a cost-effective, collaborative, resource-rich environment.

The Conscious Professionals™ Group Training

For aspiring healthy home professionals.

If you are a part of a group of sustainability-minded professionals committed to helping your clients find the healthy home of their dreams, click below to learn how I can help.

Conscious Media/Brand Partnerships™

You are a media outlet or brand with similar values and goals, including an emphasis on consumer empowerment and elevating the building industry as a whole.

Let’s explore how we can work together!

Read what our clients have to say

Talking with Cristina was super helpful in our mold recovery and relocation journey. I’d done a ton of research myself which led to analysis paralysis and I was utterly lost on which way to go. After hearing our unique situation she provided a lot of insight that has helped us narrow down the options and feel confident making a final decision, which we’ve been dreading previously. She knows her stuff and really helped me untangle some of my fears about HVAC mold, attics, and more. I now feel more confident that we’re making the right decision for our family.

— Conscious Strategy Session Client

Cristina is wonderful and so helpful! She really helped me understand so many important aspects in making my home a healthy home. It definitely was a great investment. Thank you Cristina!!

— Conscious Strategy Session Client

We can’t thank you enough for speaking with us and giving us some hope.... Thank you again so much for your help!

— Conscious Strategy Session Client

Working with Cristina for our health and building needs has been the single best investment we have made. She provides a rare and unique combination of skills that you would have difficulty finding elsewhere. She brought new layers into our discussion, allowing us to feel more confident in next steps and to refine our goals. We consider ourselves to be well-educated consumers and we discussed topics with Cristina that hadn’t been on our radar. They were approached with science and sensitivity. Additionally, as she walks you through the process, she embodies the compassionate partner that you need when you have experienced past building failures and resulting health complications. She understands not only the technical perspective, but the emotional one. As a therapist/consultant myself, I know that that is extraordinarily rare to find. We encourage anyone in need of building consultancy to connect with Cristina.

— Consciously Custom Client

Thanks! You’ve been such a comfort. You saved my sanity. Fighting an invisible enemy is awful. Especially when everyone thinks you’re nuts.

— CHH Client

Cristina is amazing and has real compassion and empathy for those affected by unhealthy/moldy homes, because she and her family have been affected as well. She truly cares, and then combine that with her extensive knowledge...invaluable!! We are beyond grateful for the help and guidance she has given our family.

— Conscious Strategy Session Client

The builder basically told us we’re their ideal client [due to how clear we are on what we want and need].

— Consciously Custom Client

Cristina is amazing and has real compassion and empathy for those affected by unhealthy/moldy homes, because she and her family have been affected as well. She truly cares, and then combine that with her extensive knowledge...invaluable!! We are beyond grateful for the help and guidance she has given our family.

— Conscious Strategy Session Client

Your no fear approach has helped me while dealing with this puzzle. In the past, if something felt too big or scary, I would ignore it and that obviously isn’t helpful. You have said more than a couple of times that all of the decisions and knowledge isn’t fear based. It was a real mental shift for me.

— CHH Client