Did you Catch me on KPRC2+? (Again)
Zach’s favorite tips were updating your fabrics to linen and utilizing red lights after sun down.
What were yours?
WHETHER YOU RENT OR OWN, I’ve organized everything you need here in one place to curate your healthier home.
Module 1 - get to know your home (identifying higher-risk areas, collecting data, organizing emergency contacts, understanding the limits of your builder’s warranty and home/renter’s insurance)
Module 2 - Weekly maintenance (all the stuff you need to do on a weekly basis to maintain the health of your home)
Module 3 - System’s maintenance (HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Building Assemblies, Appliances)
Module 4 - Seasonal maintenance (❄️, 🌷, ☀️, 🍂—I cover it all in “zombie prepper” detail)