1:1 Consulting

The Conscious Strategy Session™

This strategy session is for you if you are a discerning homeowner who is exploring your options to design, buy, or transform your home into a wellness sanctuary.

You want more than just risk identification; you want direction for risk-mitigation.

Maybe you’re weighing pros and cons of:

  • Building new,

  • Buying an existing home, or

  • Renovating a home.

Perhaps you need to strategize renovating or remodeling an already built home and want to understand your highest-risk areas, which require priority-level attention.

You might need guidance with:

  • Reviewing inventory listings for high-risk areas before viewing

  • Assistance identifying inspections or next steps needed

  • Assistance vetting qualified inspectors, real estate professionals, remediation or remodeling companies

Before our Call…

Upon acceptance of your application to work together, I will provide to you a questionnaire.

You will be asked to fill out the questionnaire and return it to me with sufficient time before our call in order to make the most of our time together.

Depending on the nature of your current or future project, you may also be asked to provide inspection reports and any data points or home history relevant to the discussion.

During our Engagement…

We will:

  • Identify your personal risk tolerance.

  • Align your risk tolerance with the identifiable risks associated with your project.

  • Identify mitigation measures to address those risks and give you practical steps to keep moving forward.